Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Whale Museum Experience - Octavio & Daniela

     In the Whale Museum, both Octavio and I had a great experience. We learned that a grey whale scoops mud and filters it through its teeth to get its food, such as krill, or anything smaller than a basketball. Which means the spaces in between each layer of baleen -what whale teeth is made of- is thicker than a whale that only filters water. This also means that the trash at the bottom of the ocean may also go into the mouth which may cause death. We also learned about the family trees of the three different families of the local whales, which are the J Pods, the L Pods, and the K Pods. The one that is mostly around Friday Harbor is the J Pod. 
   We hope everyone else enjoyed the Whale Museum as much as we did.
                                                                                                                      ~ Octavio, Daniela

1 comment:

  1. Very cool information! I didn't know the majority of that...thanks for sharing!
