Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tide Pools

      Today was awesome. We took a bus down to the tide pools down on the shore of the island. We arrived on the beach, and separated into groups to go look for sea animal and plants. As soon as we got down there, there wasn't much to see at first glance. But when we looked a little bit harder, we saw lots of amazing things. The tide pools are separated into zones, The splash zone, Upper Inter tidal Zone, Middle inter tidal zone, and the Lower inter tidal zone. Each of the zones has its own unique organisms, and they are pretty different.  We saw lots of mollusks, and small mussels, but also super big mussels. There was absolutely tons of kelp, algae and seaweed. All of that made the rocks super slippery. Barnacles covered pretty much every inch of the rocks, and they are super sharp. Crabs and Hermit Crabs were also plentiful. Some of the coolest things that we found were blood stars, red starfish that get about 5 inches in length. I found a moon Jelly, floating in the water. That was pretty cool to find. There were lots of cool organisms to see. It would have been cool to see a lot more. We loved going to the tide pools, and we hope we could go again sometime.

-Jonathan Brennan     -Jaime Antolin

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